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Comments about people's experiences with Indicaid's various pain treatment products. These are all genuine feedback from real people — we couldn't possibly make this stuff up!

If you have an experience with Indicaid products you would like to share, please email us at

“I suffered for over ten years with significant pain from fibromyalgia and nerve damage from spinal degeneration and surgical repairs, producing constant discomfort and, at times, debilitating pain. Traditional opiod pharmaceutical pain medication for me was not a consideration due to those medications causing nausea and a confused mental condition.  Extra Strength PainQuench brought relief after just 30 minutes.  After years of constant pain, I had completely forgot what it was like to be pain free, and fully appreciate what I had endured for so long.  Now 6 months later, I only used PainQuench as needed, about once every couple of days.  Before PainQuench I thought I would have to cope with pain until death, but now I have my life to live. It changed my life!" 

Lee J., age 69 – doctor diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and Fibromyalgia.



"It worked!”


"PainQuench™ Extra Strength is the best thing that I have ever found for my hip / back issues.  You did not exaggerate at all when you described the effectiveness of this material."

Mark T, Wisconsin

"5 minutes my pain was gone …. I could sleep!!”


"I couldn’t sleep due to the pain, the doctor’s prescription pain reliever didn’t work ….. 30 minutes after applying Indicaid, I was asleep.”

Elizabeth, age 29 broken toe

"I actually opened one (PainQuench)up for myself since I was suffering from sore muscles from last night's first softball game of the season. Let me tell you... going from a relaxing cruise with just strolling for exercise 2 weeks ago to absolute full out running around the bases multiple times I'm very sore. I tried the cream and within two minutes I could feel a 40% improvement of my overworked muscles and ligaments and tendons. I dropped a couple F bombs because I was in shock. All my athletic life I've always learned 'no pain no gain' and I expect to have two or three days of soreness from starting to work out...because that's normal for me. Are you telling me that I can cheat this decades old mantra?"

Lucy V., Rhode Island


"PainQuench™ Extra Strength brought relief within 15 minutes after burning my arm on a hot muffler."

Tom H, Kentucky

"A small application at night and I sleep without waking, getting a restful night’s sleep"

  Kay, age 62

"I cannot go with out rubbing the cream on every 3 hours or so. Especially at night.
I rub the cream on and I will sleep for about 3-4 hours, and then I repeat and sleep another 3-4 hours. Prior to this, I had zero sleep.
During the day, I rub the cream on every 3-4 hours.  It's the only thing that gives relief."

Jeanette L. , Maryland

After trying the Indicaid PainQuench™, an east coast surgeon’s mother, who suffers with fibromyalgia and uses various medications to combat the pain, said ….”All I want for Christmas is more of that stuff”.



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